About Us

Evergreen Defensive Tactics Group, LLC. Established 2022. A Firearms Instruction Company that specializes in a proprietary type of Range Training for Civilians

Welcome to EDTgrp

Who are we?

Welcome to Evergreen Defensive Tactics Group (EDTgrp). Over the years both David and Casey recognized an issue with the way that civilians, military, and law enforcement were training. Often training was focused entirely on marksmanship skills and actual instruction was determined to be the end all of training followed by maybe one or two qualifications each year. The problem is that to truly learn new skills it requires hours and hours of repetition. Both Casey and David had taught civilian courses and noticed that many of the students had a great time, showed improvement during the class, and then didn’t touch a weapon for months or even years afterward. Training Sessions were developed out of this gap to provide a way for shooters from all walks of life to show up and train, not just learn. By running multiple, reduced-price Training Sessions each year, we allocate time for shooters to get in good reps after a class or learning a new skill.

We truly believe it is the right of every citizen to keep and bear arms, but also believe it is the responsibility of those citizens to have the highest possible level of proficiency with those arms. Our goal is always to raise the bar in our community. How far you go depends entirely on how much work, mental focus, and grit you are willing to put into your progression as a shooter.

Hope to see you on the range.

Casey & David