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EDT Training sessions

Train with Purpose.

  • We believe that every citizen has the right to keep and bear arms, but also the responsibility to achieve the highest level of proficiency. Our goal is to elevate our community’s standards. Your progress depends on the dedication, mental focus, and grit you bring to your journey as a shooter.

Welcome to Evergreen Defensive Tactics Group (EDTgrp).

  • Over the years both David and Casey recognized an issue with the way that civilians, military, and law enforcement were training. Often training was focused entirely on marksmanship skills and actual instruction was determined to be the end all of training followed by maybe one or two qualifications each year. The problem is that to truly learn new skills it requires hours and hours of repetition. Both Casey and David had taught civilian courses and noticed that many of the students had a great time, showed improvement during the class, and then didn’t touch a weapon for months or even years afterward. Training Sessions were developed out of this gap to provide a way for shooters from all walks of life to show up and train, not just learn. By running multiple, reduced-price Training Sessions each year, we allocate time for shooters to get in good reps after a class or learning a new skill.
  • We believe that every citizen has the right to keep and bear arms, but also the responsibility to achieve the highest level of proficiency. Our goal is to elevate our community’s standards. Your progress depends on the dedication, mental focus, and grit you bring to your journey as a shooter.

Training Session Components

  • Each Training Session is broken up into three (3) component. Each of these components is independent of the previous. For example, you can attend the second and third component but skip the first.

Static Skills Exercise (SSE)

0900 - 1030

  • Every Training Session starts with SSE. Most shooters glance over the importance of basic marksmanship. It may be an easy concept to understand but it takes thousands of CORRECT repetitions to get it right. SSE will work on isolating those core fundamentals and perfecting them. 
  • Brilliance in the basics

Practical Skills Exercise (PSE)

1130 - 1400

  • PSE takes those Core Fundamentals and puts them under the stress of time/speed. PSE is all about pushing the limits of how fast you can shoot WHILE MAINTAINING ACCURACY. In addition to speed you’ll be introduced to more complex drills that combine multiple skills and tasks.
  • Slow is slow and Fast is Fast

Application Under Stress (AUS)

1430 - 1630

  • Application Under Stress builds on PSE by introducing physical stress in the form of a Cross-Fit style workout with shooting drills mixed in. Each shooter will perform the course of fire and be scored on speed and accuracy. AUS does everything we can to introduce a sense of chaos while still being on a flat range.
  • This is what it’s all about

What equipment do I need?

  • Every EDT Training Session is designed be completed with pistol, rifle or both. Every shooter has a slightly different goal in mind. Some are only interested in increase familiarity with weapons in general, others are preparing for the worst case scenario, and everything in between.
    Each component, drill, and stage is designed to be shot with the weapons system that you bring. Our advice is to pick one setup and train with it for several training sessions before you start changing things up. Consistency is king when it comes to shooting. Once we’ve helped you identify any deficiencies in gear we can address them then. The brutal truth is that 99% of the time it is our lack of skill, rather than our gear that messes us up (Instructors included).
    Please make sure you show up with all required gear, ready to train. See you on the range.

Pistol: Required Gear (All Components)

Every shooter is required to have the following for EACH OF THE TRAINING SESSION COMPONENTS.

  • For example: If you come to SSE and PSE double the amount of ammo.
  • Semi-Automatic Pistols Only
  • 5-6 Magazines
  • Hard-sided holster
  • Magazine Holster
  • Belt
  • Pants with Belt Loops
  • Close-Toed Shoes
  • Gloves are recommended for PSE/AUS
  • 100 rounds of pistol ammunition
  • Hearing Protection (Electronic Preferred)
  • ANSI Z87.1 Rated Safety Glasses
  • *For AUS Only: All Magazines loaded with 10 rounds

Rifle: Required Gear (All Components)

Every shooter is required to have the following for EACH OF THE TRAINING SESSION COMPONENTS.

  • For example: If you come to SSE and PSE double the amount of ammo.
  • Serviceable Semi-Automatic Platform Rifle with a 2-point sling.
  • 5-6 MagazinesChest Rig or Plate Carrier or Belt Mounted Rifle Magazine Holster
  • Belt
  • Pants with Belt Loops
  • Close-Toed Shoes
  • Gloves are recommended for PSE and AUS
  • 100 rounds of ammunition
  • Hearing Protection (Electronic Preferred)
  • ANSI Z87.1 Rated Safety Glasses
  • *For AUS Only: All Magazines loaded with 10 rounds.

Shotgun: Required Gear (PSE and AUS Only)

Every shooter is required to have the following for EACH OF THE TRAINING SESSION COMPONENTS.

  • For example: If you come to SSE and PSE double the amount of ammo.
  • Serviceable Semi-Automatic OR Pump Action Shotgun chambered in 12g or 20g
  • Minimum of 4 placards and a holster or carrier to stage them on.
  • Belt
  • Pants with Belt Loops
  • Close-Toed Shoes
  • Gloves are recommended for PSE and AUS
  • 40 rounds of steel birtshot
  • 10 rounds of 00Buck or Slugs
  • Hearing Protection (Electronic Preferred)
  • ANSI Z87.1 Rated Safety Glasses
  • *For AUS Only: All Magazines loaded with 10 rounds.